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Careers, Jobs, Employment...

We are hiring.If you can build a website start-to-finish or handle any of the related tasks, we look forward to hearing from you!- Accuraty

Thank you for your interest in career opportunities with Accuraty Solutions.If you would like to apply for one of the current openings please review the jobs listings (scroll down) then send an email with a cover letter (or email equivalent) and attach or link a PDF of your resume and portfolio if appropriate.

We are passionate about being a great place to work, and great design is an integral part of who we are and what we do.Our offices are located just south of Downtown Champaign, in Research Park at the University of Illinois.The best job perks are challenging work, great coworkers, and an environment that makes you want to get out of bed and come to work every day!

If no opportunities are listed below, we always welcome unsolicited resumes from talented, qualified professionals seeking employment.

Currently Available Jobs


  • Filename

    ...completely exceeded my expectations.They really "nailed it"in terms of achieving the look and feel and experience I was hoping for.
